WOW! It was so great talking to and seeing you all yesterday! It was definitely a long awaited milestone for me! I hope I can remember everything that I had to tell you cause I left my agenda in the house which had the list of things to tell you. First and most important is......I LOVE MY FAMILY! You all made my day talking to you and I know that I am extremely blessed to be among such an amazing group of people. Second is that I told you about the contact with the man in Toledo that got baptized and the girl I found in Chuy, but I opened the mission newsletter today and found that there was another women who I found in Toledo whose name is Angela. I don't know if you remember me telling you about her but she came to church once and then never again so my comp and I stopped teaching her? Well she got baptized last week! I guess that I am one of the missionaries who plants a lot of seeds and reaps the fruits later. I also forget the mention that yesterday I finished the Book of Mormon again! I was on a challenge from Pres Da Silva to read it and mark every time it said Father or God, Son or Jesus Christ, and repentance. I don't have to be done with it yet but I had I goal to finish before Christmas and I did it on the day! I really did have a great Christmas. I enjoyed all the small goodies that I received from you guys and the call. It wasn't quite the same here in Guay. The Christmas spirit is just not the same. It was not too hot but we did see quite a few fireworks and a lot of people had some parties. I hope that everyone here (at least the members) remembered the true meaning of Christmas as I tried to focus more on the Savior. It would be great if you were here for church yesterday. Just our family of eight would have been bigger then the branch assistance. We had five members and my comp and I. It wasn't too many but it turned out all right. My comp presided and I was kind of conducting. We had to bless and pass the sacrament to each other and then to the rest. This is by far the hardest area I have been in my entire mission but I am learning lots! It is in the times that are hard that we grow the most. I am still not exactly for sure why I am here in Carmen but I am destined to work hard and find out. I know it sounds like I am trunky and unfocused now and it is probably true because we are not having a lot of success. I am going to finish my two weeks of this change working very hard and if I leave that is fine, if not then I will be prepared for my next comp that comes. I am going to strive to enjoy my time in this area, work as if I am excited to be here and not just endure and wait it out. I love you all and you have helped me to become better. Without my family I wouldn't be the person that I am today and I wont be the same tomorrow. Don't worry cause I am sharing some stuff with Elder Taylor and enjoying all the candy. Hermana Ester the member whose house we were at is so great. When we got done talking to our families she thanked us and said she was so glad that we could talk to our families. She said even though I was almost yelling the whole time that it was because I was excited and she could feel and tell how much the phone call meant to us. There truly are amazing people here in Guay as I am sure there are everywhere in the world. Sorry to dad and all our exchange students but the country of Japan has dropped to third on the list of favorite countries now, with Guay in second, and America on the top. I know I am not suppose to be trunky and focus in the mission but I do want to tell you some thing real quick. I have decided that I don't want to do nothing when I get home. I want to stay busy and not waste to much time. This gives me two options. Come home three weeks early so that I can make it back to Snow for school. That would be kind of hard cause I would be away from you guys. Back up plan to that would be apply to, get accepted, and go to school at USU. The third option would be that you find me a FULL time job that I can come home on time and still work and be with the family. I know I don't even have a year yet but I just wanted to let you know what my plans are so that you can find out and let me know for the future. I just don't want to lose any good opportunities I could have just cause you weren't informed. I love you all so much! I know that this is the only true church on the earth today. I know that it is lead by a living prophet called of God. I know that we have trials to learn and grow. I know that Heavenly Father influences our lives and future DAILY. That He loves us, wants whats best for us, and knows exactly where we need to be and what to be doing. I know that families can be together forever and I am so grateful for this blessing to know that I will have these AMAZING people and relationships forever! I love the mission and am eternally grateful to my Savior Jesus Christ for the opportunity to be here. To be His representative and do exactly what He would if He was here. I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a great New Years. I love and miss you all so much but know that what I am doing is one of the most important things we can do for Heavenly Father and know its worth every sacrifice. Until next week!
Elder Bowden