Thursday, December 29, 2011

Feliz Navidad!

Hey family!
WOW! It was so great talking to and seeing you all yesterday! It was definitely a long awaited milestone for me! I hope I can remember everything that I had to tell you cause I left my agenda in the house which had the list of things to tell you. First and most important is......I LOVE MY FAMILY! You all made my day talking to you and I know that I am extremely blessed to be among such an amazing group of people. Second is that I told you about the contact with the man in Toledo that got baptized and the girl I found in Chuy, but I opened the mission newsletter today and found that there was another women who I found in Toledo whose name is Angela. I don't know if you remember me telling you about her but she came to church once and then never again so my comp and I stopped teaching her? Well she got baptized last week! I guess that I am one of the missionaries who plants a lot of seeds and reaps the fruits later. I also forget the mention that yesterday I finished the Book of Mormon again! I was on a challenge from Pres Da Silva to read it and mark every time it said Father or God, Son or Jesus Christ, and repentance. I don't have to be done with it yet but I had I goal to finish before Christmas and I did it on the day! I really did have a great Christmas. I enjoyed all the small goodies that I received from you guys and the call. It wasn't quite the same here in Guay. The Christmas spirit is just not the same. It was not too hot but we did see quite a few fireworks and a lot of people had some parties. I hope that everyone here (at least the members) remembered the true meaning of Christmas as I tried to focus more on the Savior. It would be great if you were here for church yesterday. Just our family of eight would have been bigger then the branch assistance. We had five members and my comp and I. It wasn't too many but it turned out all right. My comp presided and I was kind of conducting. We had to bless and pass the sacrament to each other and then to the rest. This is by far the hardest area I have been in my entire mission but I am learning lots! It is in the times that are hard that we grow the most. I am still not exactly for sure why I am here in Carmen but I am destined to work hard and find out. I know it sounds like I am trunky and unfocused now and it is probably true because we are not having a lot of success. I am going to finish my two weeks of this change working very hard and if I leave that is fine, if not then I will be prepared for my next comp that comes. I am going to strive to enjoy my time in this area, work as if I am excited to be here and not just endure and wait it out. I love you all and you have helped me to become better. Without my family I wouldn't be the person that I am today and I wont be the same tomorrow. Don't worry cause I am sharing some stuff with Elder Taylor and enjoying all the candy. Hermana Ester the member whose house we were at is so great. When we got done talking to our families she thanked us and said she was so glad that we could talk to our families. She said even though I was almost yelling the whole time that it was because I was excited and she could feel and tell how much the phone call meant to us. There truly are amazing people here in Guay as I am sure there are everywhere in the world. Sorry to dad and all our exchange students but the country of Japan has dropped to third on the list of favorite countries now, with Guay in second, and America on the top. I know I am not suppose to be trunky and focus in the mission but I do want to tell you some thing real quick. I have decided that I don't want to do nothing when I get home. I want to stay busy and not waste to much time. This gives me two options. Come home three weeks early so that I can make it back to Snow for school. That would be kind of hard cause I would be away from you guys. Back up plan to that would be apply to, get accepted, and go to school at USU. The third option would be that you find me a FULL time job that I can come home on time and still work and be with the family. I know I don't even have a year yet but I just wanted to let you know what my plans are so that you can find out and let me know for the future. I just don't want to lose any good opportunities I could have just cause you weren't informed. I love you all so much! I know that this is the only true church on the earth today. I know that it is lead by a living prophet called of God. I know that we have trials to learn and grow. I know that Heavenly Father influences our lives and future DAILY. That He loves us, wants whats best for us, and knows exactly where we need to be and what to be doing. I know that families can be together forever and I am so grateful for this blessing to know that I will have these AMAZING people and relationships forever! I love the mission and am eternally grateful to my Savior Jesus Christ for the opportunity to be here. To be His representative and do exactly what He would if He was here. I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a great New Years. I love and miss you all so much but know that what I am doing is one of the most important things we can do for Heavenly Father and know its worth every sacrifice. Until next week!
Elder Bowden

Christmas Day--We love SKYPE!

We had the wonderful opportunity to skype with Elder Bowden on Christmas Day! What an amazing blessing new technology brings us! Elder Bowden looks AMAZING!! He is still very thin because they have to walk cars or bikes are allowed in his mission. He loves the people in Carmen and loves his companion Elder Taylor! They fit each others' personalities very well! We love our missionary and miss him dearly! He will be at his one year mark next month! YAY!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Elder Bowden is calling HOME for CHRISTMAS!! :)

Wow! I cant believe that we are only 6 days away from Christmas and I Am going to be able to talk to you all! Time has been going so fast and it is unbelievalbe that my long waited day is almost here! This past week was amazing! As far as the missionary work goes, it was alright. We are having some more success and things are finally rolling! The best part of the week was the Christmas conference though! We had P-Day on Monday then we worked on Tuesday and then headed to Durazno that night. We had to wake up at 3:30 in the morning again to make it there on time. Its all good though I am used to the long, boring, time to sleep bus rides. When I got to the church where we were having the conference one of the elders that is in the offices told me that he had talked to my mom. I was like...WHAT? Why you be talkin a my mom? He said he couldnt really tell me but that everything was all good and he would tell me later. I eventually found out that
it was to remind you to send me a letter, which by the way I LOVED! It make my already great and spiritual day even better! Both mom and dad said some things in the letter that I really felt like I needed to hear at this time. I thank you so much and am so grateful for amazing parents. It reminded me a lot of Aaronic Priesthood Training Camp
where we would also get letters from our parents and dont worry I didnt break the tradition cause I also cried here. I cant believe that it seems like only yesterday I was going to camp to prepare to be a missionary and here I am already half way through! CRAZY! Then we had a really good lunch, it was ravioli and then we took a mission
picture! I got to see all my old comps except my trainer (who is home) and my group from the CCM. Then after all that I found out that my family sent me SIX PACKAGES! I cant believet that you guys did that! Just to let you know everyone thinks I am spoiled and that my family is rich. I just told them that we are really blessed and I guess you
just miss me. Well just the let you know, I am in Tres Cruses right know. It is a big place in Deo. I came because I have to sign a paper for my visa. If I dont then I will be an ilegal immagrant here in Guay. I never said we cant do skype I just said that I had to get a web cam. I am still planning on doing it and I have my account set up.
It has my full name and my user name is elderbowden. I will try to do it at about 5:30pm here and it should be 1:30pm up there in Utah. I hope it works alright and we can see each other. If not I just call you and then you can call my back, but that is definetly the back up plan! Got to go! Sorry its a short email but Ill talk to you soon! I
am going to spend some money today, not for sure how much but we can verify later! LOVE YOU TONS! I know that the church is true and always will be. Jesus loves us and want us to be happy. NOS VEMOS

Elder Bowden

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The work hard as it may be! And--It's almost CHRISTMAS!


Yo no puedo creer que estamos tan cerca de Navidad! Estoy tan animado para hablar y usar SKYPE! I hope you got that if not then you can use google translator. Oh what technology we have! Wow this was a pretty good week, average for here in Carmen. We were not able to do email yesterday cause the Library was closed and they still haven't fixed the internet in the church. We are still searching far and wide and re-knocking houses to find those who Heavenly Father is preparing for us here in Carmen. I have to be honest, this is by far the hardest area of my entire mission and it isn't getting easier. I think that Heavenly Father has sent me here to learn how to be more diligent and work with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I am struggling with being positive in an area where things don't go as smooth. I know that everything happens for a reason but almost everything here seems to fall through. I often wonder what I have to learn in the time that I am here and don't know if I will realize it before I leave. All I have to do is to continue working and do my best. I don't know if we will have a baptism, but I know if I do my part and follow the Lords will then all will be well. My goal now is to leave the area better then when I found it and in hopefully more than one form. It hasn't been as hot this week but its still summer. It rained a little today and has actually cooled down. Tonight we are heading to Durazno so that we can leave for the Christmas conference tomorrow. It is in Montevideo so we will have to leave at like 3:30 in the morning. I don't have a lot to tell you as far as the obra or work. We found an investigator who wants to be baptized and even sealed but it will take time. He is the son of a member and has lost two children do to some complications at birth. He told us that if God would save his son then he would change. Maybe it was Heavenly Fathers answer to help him turn his life around. I am excited to see him progress and make the necessary changes in his life. Vamos a ver. Oh ya about the Skype one here has a web cam. I don't know what I should do cause I really want to SEE and talk to you guys. I can call by the phone as usual if you want, if not then I can buy a web cam. Let me know what you think and then we will act accordingly. Thanks so much for the pictures! I love them all. Its not that I am super trunky or anything just nice to see some things to help me remember what its like over there. I am glad that you are all doing well and are just excited for Christmas as I am. The only difference is that we wont be having a break here. I am not exactly the same as dad when he was in Japan but am still trying to focus on the work, the Savior, and staying busy. Sorry that the email isn't too long this week but I cant think of too much more to tell you and I am basically out of time. You don't have to send my B-Day package yet, actually if you want then you can wait and then it will spread the excitement out a little longer. Thanks for all you efforts to help me, here and at home (especially with the cards). I LOVE my family so much and will always be grateful for you. Tell the boys at home that I like the future missionary pics, keep up the good work, and don't stop with the cool poses. I know that this church is true. I know that our Father in Heaven knows and loves us. I know that no matter how hard things in the mission or life get, it will always be worth it to live the gospel. I know that it will bring joy to every life that I share it with and because of this it helps me to always keep going. I am so grateful for our Savior Jesus Christ and the time I have to meditate on His life and birth at this time of the year and always. I am amazed every time I realize the He has trusted me to be a full time servant of Him. I know we have trails for a reason and that they also help us to grow, exactly in the direction that the Lord needs and wants us. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I love the book. I enjoy reading it everyday as I am touched by the spirit through its pages. I know that it was written for our day and we have it because of prophet called of God. I know we have these same prophets on the earth today that hold all the keys of the kingdom. I know that Heavenly Father is proud of us when we make and strive to keep our covenants with Him. LOVE you all, until next week (email), and then the Christmas call!

Elder Bowden

Monday, December 5, 2011

We get to SKYPE for Christmas!!


Its great to here from you all again! How fast the weeks are just flying by, I cant believe that we are already in December! You will have to send me pics of all the gingerbread yummy! That's one thing I will miss this year is all the traditions but its only for a short two years. Oh ya and if you could send me a few more pics of Michael's car, the TR6 (cause we have an elder from England in our district), and the house that would be great! You´re all awesome. We found out that we are having our Christmas conference on the fourteenth and we will be together as a whole entire mission! We get to talk to everyone, learn some new things, and eat food! I am really excited! We finally found a member, well actually here daughter, that has a computer that we can use to Skype you for Christmas, so that should be really fun. I am here in Durazno today. We came to play soccer with our district and zone leaders, it should be fun. Oh and we are getting a new mission pres, but not until I have like 18 months in the mission so its a little ways away. Hey what are you doing with the old Suburban? You haven't sold it? Are you planning on keeping it? Just curious as to that and what the inside of the new one looks like? You should send me some pics of that too. We have one new zone leader here in Durazno, but he is the same one that I had when I was in Maronas so he isn't really new to me. Our old ZL was from Roy and he had a job working where? That's right...the best burger joint around...Burger Bar. He said he worked there for over a year! He loves it just as much as we do! As far as the work goes we are still trying to be diligent and find to chosen. It is going a lot better for us. We didn't have as great of a week as the last one but it was fairly good. To inform you more about doing service, we had another small act. There was a woman that was mowing here lawn and has stopped for a little break. When she went back it wouldn't start and she barely had enough strength to pull the cord. We asked here if she needed help and she said if we could. I didn't have to use to much of my small gas engine skills but we did get it running in a few minutes! It was great and now she will hopefully be more receptive in the future. We are still trying to find some one to help get baptized and I know if we do our part the Lord will fulfill the rest. I am loving the mission, it isn't easy but it is all worth it! Church here in our small branch is getting harder. Our branch president is going inactive, its been about a month since he has come to church. I have already given like two talks and classes in the six weeks we have been here. Its alright though, it helps my Spanish and my public speaking skills. We still have about 18 people coming to church with us and all the primary. Hopefully we can get some more less actives to come back and some new members too! Oh ya one more thing I need if you could include in my next package. A pair of rubber doctor scholes, size 11.5. If you can it would be great. The problem with the shoes I have now is the the part inside my shoes get sweaty and then they just start falling apart as I walk. THANKS! If you could also send me the size of every ones feet in inches or centimeters would be even better for next weeks email that would be great, Ashlee's family too! Sorry I ask so much, if its too much and you cant get it done its all good, just when you can. Oh ya and I forgot to tell you the names of friends for the Christmas cards. I will do it in this one and if its too late then maybe you can just do an email. Some of them are one missions and I don't really have any of the addresses but you should be able to find them through Facebook. Thanks! Hey I love you all so much and miss you tons! I cant wait to talk to you all in like 20 days! I know that this church is true, every single principle! I know it with all my heart and not any doubts cause I have prayed and received an answer. I know the God knows and loves each and every one of us. I know and am grateful for His Son Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice. I know He lives and all pain, suffering, sin, and affliction that we have can be healed through Him. I am overwhelmed when I realize that He has called me to be His servant here in Uruguay. I am extremely humbled and am striving to be as obedient as I can so He can always bless me. I love you, until next week!
Elder Bowden

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


A trip to Zone Conference included a trip to the ZOO!

And FINALLY....A WASHING MACHINE!!! (Oh the things we take for granted)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lots & Lots of PICTURES!!!

**Havin' a little FUN**

**Zone Conference**


Happy Thanksgiving!!

WOW! I cant believe that another week has already pasted either! I don't know why but I kind of forgot to wish you guys a HAPPY THANKSGIVING last week. I mean we don't really celebrate it down here in Guay so that's probably why I forgot. I didn't forget to give thanks and have an attitude of gratitude though! I really am very blessed and have no doubt that Heavenly Father is blessing my family also. Before I forget, I will answer dads question. Yes I will get to go to the temple again next November and then one more time before I head home. Who knows? Maybe Ill get to go more when we have the new mission president? Thanks for the wonderful and inspiring email like always. This week was much much better than the previous weeks here in Carmen. We worked really hard to finish the change strong and now we have a lot more things to do. We have found some investigators that hopefully continue to progress towards baptism. Its kind of sad cause they didn't come to church on Sunday, so we will have to extend their date even further. Elder Taylor and I are really excited to continue working hard and continue to have success. We are both staying here for another six weeks and then we will have changes again. That means Ill be here in Carmen for Christmas and for my B-Day! Its not the most exciting place in the whole world but if its where the Lord needs me then I'm totally here! Ill let you know when I get my packages and I am trying to get one ready to send to you guys! I cant believe how fast time is flying here in the mission and apparently at home also. By the time we have changes again, I will be hitting the big ol´ half way mark! It seems like yesterday I was at home, didn't know spanish, and wasn't serving as a missionary. I have definitely learn so much in the time I have been in the mission so far and know that the Lord is preparing me for the rest of my life. I hope I can continue to become what He wants me to be and to seek His will and not mine in all that I do. We played catch with the football for a few minutes on Thursday...I mean it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without football. I am glad to here that Denver pulled off the victory! Was Tebow playing? Elder Taylor asked me what I was grateful for on Thanksgiving while we were eating our hotdog and mashed potato dinner and I stopped to think a little more. I said that the greatest blessing I have been given would have to be the gospel, but I only have that because I have an amazing family. It seems to me as if my two greatest blessings are inseparable. I know that through obedience to the commandment and our covenants we can live as a family forever. It brings me great peace and joy knowing this and felt the same thing last week in the temple. I know that this church is true and contains the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know without any doubt that this is what makes us truly happy, in this life and in the next. I don't also comprehend everything when it come to commandments, eternity, and the atonement but I do know the we have an all powerful, loving, and merciful Father in Heaven who lets me know that what I am doing is right. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, every verse. I know that as we read and study it, put it in practice in our lives, we will be protected from the adversary. I know that we have a living prophet on the earth today that receives revelation directly from God for us, His children. I know that the Savior Jesus Christ lives. I am so grateful for a perfect plan created with Him at the center so that I can be cleansed from sins and mistakes. I am so grateful that He would give His very life, for me to be pure again and everyone who is willing to repent and take upon them His name. I love the mission. I love feeling so close to my Heavenly Father and Savior, to be constantly guided by His spirit, The Holy Ghost. I love you all so much and I am so excited to actually talk to you all so soon! Until next week!
Elder Bowden

PS- We are trying to get everything we need to be able to Skype for Christmas, I hope you guys are ready too! :)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Better Late than Never! :)

WOW! It's super crazy that today is Wednesday and not Monday and I am emailing you. Sorry but the cyber here in Carmen decided not to open this week so we were unable to use the computer on Monday. I am currently at the library in Carmen now, which we didn't know had computers we could use. I hope that you understand and were not worried about me, its just a little late that's all. Yes, the temple was absolutely amazing! I love the whole experience! I went through the secession in spanish in a form thats called vosotros. It is only used in the scriptures and is an old spanish way of communication but I understood it all anyways! I truely do love the temple and recieved many inspired answers to my questions while I was there. It was really cool cause I was there with my whole zone, one other zone, and Pres Da Silva and his wife were the proxy couple. I know that only in the temples can we recieve the ordiances required for salvation and I am forever grateful to Heaven Father for restoring the power to perform them in the temples. After we had an amazing zone conference which included breakfast and lunch! Oh and after I bought some things from the distribution center, so if you see something on my account thats what it is. We had to leave to go to Montevideo at 4 in the morning to make our session and we slept in the zone leaders house with 8 other missionaries! It was really crowded, really hot, hard to sleep, but entirely worth the trip! We returned to our area with lots of motivation to continue working but even harder! We had quite a few more charlas or lessons last week and this week is going great as well! Speaking of doing service, we helped an old lady break some sticks that see was using to make a fire. At first she said that we couldn't help her cause we didn't know how and we were missionaries. We started breaking sticks anyways and in like five minutes we were done! She was really grateful for our help and after said that she would have to make some time that we could come over. We don't know when or if you will ever have time in the future but at least we helped her and she knows that we are representatives of Jesus Christ. We also have some thing here in Guay that isn't in Utah! Fireflies! Its so cool cause when we walk home at night after a hard day of work, we look out over all the fields and see hundreds of these little green lighting bugs! It truely is another beatiful creation from our Heavenly Father! I also cant believe that I now have 10 MONTHS in the mission. Tiempo pasa volando! I wish it would slow down, but at the same time I love the feeling of knowing that I am serving with all my heart for the time the Lord needs me. I dont really want to ask for anything else cause you just sent my 5 PACKAGES! I will defiletly be waiting for them! Thanks for the pictures too, Im sure that Elder Taylor will enjoy them just as much as I will. Well sorry I have to head back out to work, but I love you all and am super glad I could evently email you! I know that this chruch is true. I know that this very short time and some what of a sacrifice is all worth it. I know that Lord blesses us with everything we need and in every way we need. I know that He loves us and knows whats best for us. He guides us daily as we strive to follow His spirit and commandments. I love and miss you all and am going to send lots of pictures next week! Until then
Elder Bowden

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wow! I cant believe that you guys are enjoying snow right now! Que suerte! I dont have a lot of new stuff to tell you. I send a picture of my comp and I with our new washer. I am sure you can tell how excited we are! It ran for like 3 days straight when we first got it! I sent a lot of photos this week, most of them are fun pictures. We went to the zoo last week on P-Day while we were waiting for our washer. The guys that we suppose to deliver it never showed up, so we went home did a little work then went back on Tuesday. It wasn't a whole waste of a trip cause we had to go to district meeting anyways. As far as work goes this week we didn't have a ton of success, actually hardly any. Our few investigators we have weren't home. One of them, Nicolas, went on vacation for like two weeks and still isn't back. The other one went to Montevideo to work for like a month and the other is never home. We are still doing all of our contacts, knocking lots of doors, and looking for others to teach. Carmen is a really small area and we have already knocked close to every single house and its only been like a month. I guess we will just try to be more friendly and ask people how there are doing from now on and less of the ´´´hey we are missionaries´´ other wise they don't really want to talk to us. Things are definitely getting better and time is flying! I cant believe that you guys are having Thanksgiving next week! I hope you enjoy it cause we don't have it down here in Guay. I am SO EXCITED for this week cause we are finally going to the temple! YAY! I still am not for sure if I am doing a secession in spanish or english but the spirit inside the temple is the same no matter what! The temple is one of the things that I really miss about home and know I get to go here in Guay with my zone. I think I should be able to communicate with you guys through Skype for Christmas! I hope so anyways...vamos a ver! Thanks a million you guys are the best! Thanks for the photos this week, I am sure Elder Taylor will appreciate them when I show him. I worked on writing everyone back today and got most of the letters done. Don't worry you should be receiving them in the mail in about 3 weeks. I will also try to include my card with all my photos so that you guys can have them. I know that this church is true and in the only one in the whole world! I know that being a missionary isn't easy, its a sacrifice for me and for my family, but it is worth everyday. I know the Heavenly Father knows and loves each and everyone of us. I know that He knows whats best for us and is guiding us daily in the direction we need to go. I know that the Savior lives and that He is our advocate with the Father. Through Him and His atoning sacrifice, we can truly repent and be forgiven of our sins and mistakes. I know that the Book of Mormon was written for our day and will help us become closer to God than any other book on the planet! I know its true! I know that as we follow the counsel of living and latter-day prophets we can also follow the will of the Lord. I love this gospel and this church and wouldn't trade anything in the world for the two year opportunity I have to share it with Uruguay! Thanks for everything! You are the greatest family out there and I appreciate your love and support!

Elder Bowden

Monday, November 7, 2011

Getting a Washing Machine!

Wow I have lots to tell this week and its all great news! I am actually emailing you from here in Durazno so it should get there earlier cause I am not doing it at 8 at night! I think that we are actually 5 hours apart now that you guys fell back to answer your day light savings time question. Dang...I don't know why you just wait until I leave to buy all these fun must be the blessings! Nice ATV dad, I just hope that you haven't made the switch from motorcycles yet we still have to go to the dunes! Oh ya we are in Durazno because we came to get our WASHING MACHINE! You know what that means? more washing clothes by hand! I am so excited to get it hooked up and working. What did you decide to do with my tractor? Just let me know any new news thanks! Oh ya and Elder Taylor wants to see a picture of this awesome tractor so if you could email me a picture of it next week that would be great. Oh and a pic of the house and my truck...he also wants to see those too. I cant remember all the things I wanted you to send me for Christmas but I will just tell you a few and then you can send whatever else later. I feel bad that you guys spend money to send my packages. If you could include a pack of UNO cards that would be great, it works really well for FHE activities! Then maybe some pop tarts, beef jerky, and powdered gatorade? If that's not doable then don't worry about it, any thing is great! I heard from my E Stilwell this week and he said he is at USU and really busy but he will try to get the DVD with the photos on it to you. Don't worry too much cause I am going to make a copy of all my photos and then send you the card of all my mission pic next week! I also have other great news...well kind of great! We heard that we can do Skype this year for Christmas! The only problem is that it has to be in the house of a member, they have to have a computer with internet and a webcam. That is actually pretty hard to find here in Guay especially in Carmen. I am not sure if Ill be there for Christmas or not but Ill let you know asap. This week was better as far as the work we were able to do, that's what I felt at least, our numbers didn't show it though. It was really hot this past week and then it rained. It was nice and cool for a little while and then it got hot again, but with lots of HUMIDITY! Its not what I'm used to but I guess Ill have to adjust! Thanks for all the candy, letters, newspapers, and LOVE from home! I will try to write all of you back this week or next so just wait patiently! If you could send me Ipsens address so that I could write him that would be great! I love you all and miss you so much! Tell Ash that I finally got all her g-mails and will be writing also, they finally got the problems in the offices figured out. I cant wait until we got the Liahona with the conference talks in it here, I LOVED general conference! I LOVE the mission and all the blessings my family and I are receiving from my service. I appreciate your inspiring emails every week that keep my updated with home and motivate me to always do better! I don't have a lot to tell you about Carmen this week. We still don't have a lot to do but are working to do better. I really need to strive to be more diligent at all times. It is easy to work hard when we have things to do but when there isn't its easier to slack. I know that the Lord is there to help me in all that I do. I know as I put forth my FULL effort to do what He expects then things will come in to place. I know that this work is impossible with out the spirit and am truly blessed to be able to receive this divine guidance. I am so grateful that we have the priesthood power and authority here on the earth today. I know that through this power that the ordinances we perform here we be valid in the next life. I know that the temple is truly the House of the Lord and cant wait to go in only 10 days! I am not for sure if Ill do it in Spanish or English yet but Ill tell you after what I decide and whats available. I know that Heavenly Father LOVES us, more than we comprehend. I feel so much love from my parents and family here and earth and wonder what it must be like in heaven. I know that He desires our well being and just as we learned in conference, everything that is important to us is also important to Him, how big or small it may be. I hope you all are having fun and enjoying the nice cool weather, with SNOW and everything. I know that the Lord is answering my prayers and blessing my family, I can tell just by the letters I receive from you and the comfort I feel. Got to go now! LOVE you all so MUCH! Until next week!

Elder Bowden

Thursday, November 3, 2011

New comp...New area...Same testimony continuing to grow!

Wow! I cant believe that tomorrow is November! Happy Halloween and I hope that you are all as happy as the dentists! We actually have seen a few kids out trick or treating here. Its not a huge holiday like it is in the states but they are slowly adopting it. Well it sounds like everyone at home is doing well with stake conference and all the fall activities. Even though the weather is getting a little cold you should enjoy it cause its really hot here! First of all this week was a lot better than it was last week, we improved a lots of things, found some more people, and had like 20 people in church! I have a few questions....Whats the population of BC and Perry? Everyone always asks me and I don't know. And you mentioned that you have a new 4-wheeler? I didn't receive photos? Hey good news, we are going to the temple on the 17th of this month! I am so excited! I also received two packages this week and I will get them tomorrow when I go to district meeting! Thank you family! LOVE YOU! And I am working on a Christmas card that I want you guys to send out to friends and family. I will attach it next week with the photo that I want you to include with the card. If you guys could send them out it would be great and save me time and stamps! Thanks! Oh and did you ever get the DVD with my photos on it from Elder Stilwell? Anyways we worked pretty hard this week and it rained quite a bit. I am back out in the country so it was back on with the rain boots so I didn't get muddy! Ya country! We had quite a few charlas or lessons for being in a new area. It was a lot better than last week! We are finding things to do, getting to know more members, and now we lunch every day of the week except one! Something cool about our branch president is that he is a agriculture mechanic! He works fixing tractors, but the bad thing is that he does it out in the campo so he is never here at home until Sunday and then goes back to work. There are a few members that work here but not a lot so its mostly us (the missionaries) doing the things. Its alright though if that's what the Lord needs me for then I am here. My new comp is Elder Taylor from Missisippi. He was born in Utah and then his family moved there when he was six. Then why he was in the mission they moved to California, but he has a pretty good southern accent! He has 20 months in the mission and is pretty excited to go home so sometimes we get distracted from the work. I guess we always have room to improve. I don't have a lot more time left but will try to write a little bit more that will make things worth it. I have really grown a lot here in the mission. I have learned a lot of new things and have progressed a lot spiritually. I have never felt so close to my Heavenly Father before but at the same time feel that I have many things to improve. I cant believe that I almost have 10 months in the mission, that's double digits! I have realized that my time here in the mission is very short. I realized that I need to take advantage of my sacred time here and let the mission change my life forever. I am now striving to work even harder to change. To make my desires more worthy and to strive harder to follow the spirit and the will of Heavenly Father. I know that's what He wants for me and that's what really makes my happy. Knowing that the Lord is pleased and proud of all that I am doing brings great peace and comfort. I hope that I can do all He wants me to do and become more like Him. I hope that I will continue to live the way that He does so that one day I can live with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. This is probably one of my greatest desires and know I need to fight the natural man to achieve it. I know that this church is the only true one on the earth. I know that we can communicate with our Heavenly Father when ever we want or need through prayer. I know that He listens to everything that we tell Him and He knows everything else that we don't. I know that the temple is the house of the Lord and it is the only place here on earth were we connect with the heavens. I know there is extraordinary power in obedience. To the commandments of God and especially in our covenants. If we strive with all energy of our heart to become like God and do all that He asks then I know that with His divine help it will become possible. I LOVE the Book of Mormon and feel spiritual power as I read it. I know that is was written by prophets of God for our day. I cant possible read enough of it with only an hour of study a day. I know that Christ lives and He is our advocate with the Father. I know through His atoning sacrifice and His grace we are saved. LOVE you all SO MUCH! Thanks for being SO AMAZING! Keep up the good work!
Until next week,
Con Amor,
Elder Bowden