Monday, August 8, 2011

Reaching Goals!

Wow what another amazing week! I think this has to be one of the best weeks in the mission, at least the best in the last 7 weeks! We had a week filled with lots of success and being led by the spirit. I am super glad to hear that those of you who went to Oregon had fun in despite all the trials. Maybe it is time for dad to buy that new suburban....haha. I didn't have quite as many car problems as you guys did (we don't have a car.....duh) but definitely had a very enjoyable week filled with tender mercies of the Lord. It started off by having a charla Monday night with the family of a recent convert. The convert is only 11 years old and has been pretty faithful in church attendance, praying, and reading the scriptures. Now her family is passing through some pretty hard times, with trials centered on her family. They all listened to the message we shared of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how he can help them and bless their family. I really think that this is their time to accept the gospel and hope that they continue to pray to receive an answer of the truthfulness of this church. Then we had district meeting on Wed. and it was super good! I love my district and everyone is really excited to work and achieve our goal of 8 baptisms this month. The only bad thing is that the investigator that had the fecha for the 20th didn't make it to the church this Sunday so we will have to change her fecha to the 27th, but I still feel that she will progress to her baptism. Then on Saturday we had a ward activity. It was called ´´Choque de amor´´ and consisted of all the priesthood holders visiting the menos activo members. We passed by one and he wasn't there, we passed by another and they said they were busy and we could pass by another day. We didn't have much planned to do after this, so we decided to go visit some teenage kids that we found the other day. We called them the day before to see if we could pass by and they hung up on me. My comp and I thought they wanted nothing to do with the missionaries, but we decided to go to their house anyways. On the way we saw a young couple sitting outside of their house talking. My comp asked if we should talk to them and felt that we should. So we told them that we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ and they said that they wanted to listen. We taught them the entire first lesson on the restoration and left them with the commitment to read the B of M and pray. We both felt that the charla went very well and invited them to come to church the next day. They said they would and they did! They both work with members of the church and are excited to learn more! I am so stoked to help them progress towards their baptisms. The only bad thing is that they need to get married first, but I know they can do it. It was kind of weird cause they wanted to give us food, but we had to decline cause we were fasting. I know that Heavenly Father is blessing my family and I daily! I know that He is preparing souls here in Uruguay for my comp and I to find. I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and that there is no other way to return to the presence of God then through Him. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ both exist and love each of us individually. They know us better then we know ourselves, our needs, and our true desires. I know that the B of M is true and that we have this book thanks to many prophets, but especially Joesph Smith. I know is a prophet of God and am grateful he endured all the trials he had to give us the glorious gospel and church we have today. Thanks for all your support, love, and faith building testimonies. Until next week!
Elder Bowden

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