Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year...Elder Bowden turns 20 this week!

Hola mejor familia del mundo!

WOW! I can't believe that we are in the year 2012! This is the year that the world is going to end....right? I don't really know but in the scriptures it says that no man knoweth the day or time in which Christ will come again so I hope I`ll make it home to see you all! Ya reality hasn't really set in yet, so I don't really realize that by the end of this week I will be twenty years old. I'm sure that it will feel just like any other day and I be working just as hard. Hey I don't know when you are going to send my B-Day package, you don't have to send it any time soon, but when you do, could you include some spitz (sunflower seeds). That's my only wish for now, if I think of anything else then I will let you know. Actually no one never sent me the photos of the family that I asked for for Christmas so you should send those also! :) I'm sorry if I ever sound demanding or like I need all these things. You don't really have to send me anything if you can't or don't want too. Elder Taylor was really disappointed that I didn't receive a single newspaper, he really enjoys reading them. This week was alright, it was an average week for Carmen. We had one more person in church yesterday then we had on Christmas. We (the missionaries) were not informed that we only had one hour of church again, so we showed up at nine and there was no one there. We waited until sacrament meeting and then people started showing up. I don't know why they didn't have the whole thing? We always had all our meetings in Utah on New Years? Tell Bishop P that he needs to be more careful when he is riding...he isn't as young as he used to be. :) Tell him that I hope he gets better and is ok cause I want to go riding with him again when I get back. This is the last week of the change, we get the calls this Sunday. It seems like it has been quite a long time but at the same time it seems like it has also flown. I mean I am only like three weeks away from being half way. It seems really weird cause I still think that the mission is two years long and that I still have that much time left. I already have more time in the mission then more than half of the missionaries here but it feels like I should still be one of the new guys. I have definitely learned lots though and am not the same missionary as I was before. I got Ashlee's Christmas card last week and the family looks so cute! That's way cool that you all went to the temple with the family, I cant wait until I get to go with you all to the temple in BC! I am working on staying more focused this week and from now on. Its just really hard for me in an area that doesn't have much to do. I know and could tell by the Christmas call (which was super duper awesome!) that you all want me to be a great missionary that loves the work. I really do love missionary work and am eternally grateful for the opportunity I have been given to be a full time servant of the Lord. I found a quote this week that I really like that is going to help me, it says `` Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, the power to work is a blessing, the LOVE of the work is SUCCESS. Genius undoubtedly is little more than the capacity for hard, sustained work,`` (-David O. McKay) I know that as I continue to STRIVE to do my best and continue to reach farther and farther, my hard and sustained work will pay off. I know that our Heavenly Father knows and loves us and puts us exactly where we need to be. I know that no valiant effort to help on the work of the Lord is wasted. I know that the more I focus and look for the will of God, the greater more prepared missionary and priesthood holder I will become. I don't really know if I am leaving to go to another area or not, but I think that I will be staying here....we`ll see! I love you all and thank you millions for all you support and desires to help me always become a better missionary. I'm not too worried about my plans for when I get home, but it would be nice to know when I have to be ready (when the time is appropriate please tell me) for school or if you find me a job then what Ill be doing for work. I know that my life is changing daily and that the blessings my family and I are receiving are uncountable. I love you all and look forward to hearing from you again next week just like every week! Thanks for the birthday wishes and I am sure I will have a great B-DAY! Love you all SO MUCH! I know that this church is true, always has been and always will. I know without I doubt the Joesph Smith saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know the the Book of Mormon is true. That it is inspired words written for our day to help and guide us. I know this not because my parents told me or because I learned it in primary. I know these things are true because I have prayed about it and asked God, with a sincere heart and a desire to know, and He answered. I know that anyone who is truly seeking a testimony can do the same and receive the same conviction. I know missionaries are called of God to serve in the places they are and I LOVE being one of the 55,000 here in the small country of Uruguay! Thanks again for everything, you are the BEST!
Elder Bowden

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