Thanks for the new updates about the family. All the reunions, soccer games, and visitors in the house. It sounds like you guys are busy as usual and I also feel the same....where did July go? I cant believe that it is already August! Well I sent pics of my old district and I hope you enjoy them. Now my district is all North Americans with the exception of my comp. I told him that he has many people to help him learn English now. He wants to be in police investigations when he gets home and has to know English so I have been helping him practice. I made breakfast yesterday! It was super tasty, hash browns, eggs, and bacon! The other picture is of a thing called an ´´alfajor.´´ It is basically the Aouth America version of "little debbie." This one is called the Surprise Negro and is my favorite of all. I will definitely have to bring some home for you guys to try. I got the other package that you guys sent me with the t-shirt. It was funny when I showed my comp and told him what is meant! It was exciting to see that Shane graduated and is going to go to Snow to serve a mission! I am going to write him this week! Thanks for all the Liahonas, they have helped me to study more of the prophets counsel in both languages. We actually receive the Liahona as missionaries, only its like 2 months late. So if you want you can send some, but don't worry about it a lot because eventually I get them here in the mission. This week was really good. I got to go to Malvín where they had a leadership meeting for my comp and changes. I got to see some missionaries that I haven't seen in a while which was really fun and took some pictures with others that went home. My trainer is going home this month and wants to know if I want to send anything home for you guys. If you want me to send something with him, let me know and I can do it! We had an investigator in church this week! It was great! Elder Avalos gave a talk on how the members can help the missionaries and the whole time she was saying how nervous he was, it was way funny. I hope she continues to progress towards her baptism date on the 20th of this month. I know that when I work diligently and seek the help of the Lord he will guide me in His work. I know that the Savior lives. I am spiritually edified every Sunday when I get to partake of the Sacrament, remember Him, and renew my covenants to follow Him. I know that there is power in covenants and the our Heavenly Father is happy when we make and keep them. I know that my family and I are receiving blessings beyond comprehension for my short two year service as a missionary. I am striving to become all the the Lord expects me to be and am constantly striving to have the spirit to touch the hearts of the people who Heavenly Father is preparing for me. I know the families can be together forever and the we can live happily ever after with our Father in Heaven and Savior someday. I know that they hear and answer our prayers, not in our time, or in the way we want, but they always answer them! I love you all and thank you again for you sacrifices, love, and support!
Elder Bowden
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