Monday, January 30, 2012

Elder Bowden's Sickness! :)

Well....I have some not so good news to tell you this week. We started this week off very well and had an intercambio with our district leader. I worked in Durazno and my comp stayed in Carmen. The next day we had our district meeting and headed back to our area. Thursday morning I woke up and was feeling really wierd....different than usual. It got progressively worse Friday and Saturday and then Sunday I couldnt hardly work. I dont know what it is and I havent been able to go to the doctor because we have to travel to Montevideo. According to my self diagnosis....I am really sick....I would guess that the sickness is.....well its not quite like a cold...or the flu....some thing like ``trunky-titis.`` I am sure I got it from the food I have recently been eating, which would include peach shakes and homeade hangaburs or hamburgers. If not the food I got it from a member from Sarandi de Yi who has been to Utah and told me of the amazing experiences he had at temple square and going to the Manti Pagent. DONT WORRY, I am sure Ill be fine I just have to work a little harder and take the proper medications. Despite the sickness we actually had a really good week as far as work goes. Our numbers have increased from the past week and we are slowly progressing to a baptism. Yesterday we had a lot of good things happen at church. We had 29 people come...the only thing is that nine of them were from the stake presidency and came cause we had branch conference. We had a lady who was inactive for over a year come back for the first time and found out that our branch president has vacation time for the next 20 days. We are excited to be able to work more with him and hopefully reactive some more members and find the few who are waiting for the gospel. We are also going to do an intercambio with the ZL`s this Wednesday and hopefully be able to place a few baptisimal fechas. VAMOS ARRIBA! Elder Condor and I are still excited to work and keep pushing everyday. I found a quote that has really helped me and has become my theme for this time in my mission. It is from Elder Wirthlen and says ``Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some thing good to happen. It gives us hope by helping us realize that the rightoues suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying.`` I am going to work on being more diligent, perservering, and doing all I can to make some thing good happen. No I havent recieved any packages yet...I should get them in about a week to two weeks, I will let you know when they arrrive. Thanks for all your constant love and support. You guys are one of the things that helps me keep going when I feel I can't go anymore. Tell Kyle congrats on his mission call and I will be writing him. That's pretty cool that Aaron and Kyle both went and are going to Argentina. That means one more person I'll be able to talk to when I get back! I had some thing else I wanted to tell you this week, but I didn't write it down and at the moment I can't remember. Have fun watching the super bowl and let me know how it goes next week. I am sure it will be about the same for me as far as doing contacts. It is a FOOTball game and not a Fùtbol game, so the Guayans dont really care to much. :) I cant believe that I am already half way through this change and when its over I'll have 13 months! It is going by really fast. I am glad the Annalee got her birthday card and had a good day! I am not for sure what the future holds for me but I know I can look forward with faith. I think I might be here in Carmen for another change which means...ya...6 months in the smallest area in the mission. Its all good though and know it is where the Lord wants and needs me! I know that this church is true and that it is lead by Christ himself. I know that He has called a living prophet to guide us and he recieves revelation for us. I know that no matter how many people reject us and the gospel, it brings greater joy in our lives than anything else! I know because I am living it and enoying the blessings that come daily! I know that families can be together forever! I know that the Book of Mormon is true. It is another testament of Jesus Christ and it along with the Bible contains the fullness of the gospel. I LOVE you all SO MUCH! I am grateful for an amazing family and the amazing oppurtunity I have to share peace and comfort that comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I will be waiting to hear from you next week and know that you are doing great and the Lord is blessing you as He is blessing me!
Elder Bowden

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