Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Being a District Leader is TOUGH!!

AHHHHHH! Well I am going to write you as fast as I can and hope that Ill be able to get everything in. Well sorry about yesterday...don't worry I am fine we just didn't have internet in Carmen and now I am in Durazno cause we came for district meeting! Speaking of which I gave my second meeting today and hope that the spirit was present to help testify to the missionaries of what they can do better. It went really well and we talked about being committed to our goals and using our time to do the most important things. I am really blessed to have an amazing district where everyone works extremely hard and is helping me to continue to do the same. Yes I went to Deo last week for the leadership meeting! It went great and I learned many new things and got to see a few other friends. Elder Taylor is now home, he left last week and I said goodbye. That means I only have two of my five companions still in the mission....time is flying! I also went to the distribution center to buy some stuff, so when it shows up on my account you'll know what it is. It is right next to the temple and while I was there I saw a some couples visiting from SLC! It was really cool to talk to some members of the church, in English, and from Utah. Cool but also weird cause the words in English came out a little different. They all told me to keep working and that I am heading down hill now. It seems so weird to me to know that of the whole two years I am out, I am already done with more than half. This week I am going to do another intercambio with the ZL´s. Elder Sanchez who is from Spain is going to come to Carmen and work with me. I am really excited to be able to learn more and find new things I can do to improve my area. My comp will work in Durazno and then we are going to come back to have another meeting with all the district leaders on Saturday. Then I have to do my first interview! It seems really weird that I am now doing what others did before. Our district has a goal of 15 baptisms this month and I know that they will all work hard to do their part. My comp and I have a goal of 3 and I know that if we work our hardest and follow the spirit we will find the people God is preparing for us. We have been focusing on giving it our all everyday and to not go home without having done everything possible to baptize. I really feel a difference and I know that if I continue doing this then I will find the success that I want to have. Oh something cool....there is a new missionary in my district. His name is Elder Jones and he is from Denver Colorado! GO BRONCOS! He said he is a fan and actually likes how Tebow pulls through in the forth quarter. What part of Colorado is Charlie from? He asked me and I couldn't remember? Anyways this week went really good and really fast. It really is incredible how time flies....I feel that the harder I work, daily, the faster it goes. I am loving the mission and the new responsibilities I have to gain new experience. I know that I am exactly where I need to be at this time in my life and mission. I was talking to our branch president on Sunday and he was saying that sometimes the Lord keeps us in an area for a certain amount of time so we can make necessary changes. I hope that I can make these changes and really become what the Lord wants and needs me to be. Before I always thought it would be easy to be a leader but now that I am one its not so easy. I know that as I rely on the Lord, He will give me the need direction for my own area and for those in my district. I love you all and am so grateful for an amazing family who supports me in all I do. I hope I can continue to be the missionary that you all think I am and more importantly what the Lord wants me to be. Today is a rainy day but I am excited to go out to work. We have lunch with Hna Ester and its always good, so we are starting excited and prepared to find the people to baptize. I love you all and cant tell you how much you mean to me! I know that this church is true, without doubts. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and love reading it and receiving revelation every day! I know that everything that happens in our lives happens for a reason. I know that this is the way that our Heavenly Father leads and guides us. I know that Christ lives and loves us and that He gave His very life so we can repent and be forgiven. I love you all tons! Got to go, until next week!
Elder Bowden

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