Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pressing Forward!

Well first off......we had a really good week. It wasn't the best as far as what we accomplished because we didn't even work in our area Mon or Tues. I had to go to the leadership meeting in Deo which went really good. I learned lot of new things and most importantly renewed my desires to keeping looking for the people that Heavenly Father is preparing for us. We received really good new this week and I hope that all goes well, but there is a lady who's name is Norma who moved to Carmen. The missionaries were teaching her before and she even went to church this last Sunday! She is practically ready to be baptized! I know that the Lord is aware and He works and always blesses us for our efforts. I know that He loves us and want us to have success as well as be tested to grow and learn. I feel like the unity with my comp and I has increased a lot this week and I hope it continues as we both strive to do all we can to baptize. I know that this is the gate in which everyone must enter to be able to live with our Heavenly Father again. I know it is the best way in which we can help our brothers and sisters and children of God. I am glad to her that you are all doing well and even enjoyed the temple! I miss it lots but cant wait to go when I get home to the completed BC Temple! I cant believe Sharlee is getting married on Saturday! That seems so crazy and it feels like I am behind cause she is younger than me. Tell her congrats and I'll be writing soon. Elder (Garrett) Jones from Denver who is in my district knows her. I opened the invitation and he said the he knew her cause she was in the same EFY group...small world! We are seeing lots of miracles in the mission, in my district, and in our own area. I am really excited to see what will happen in these next couple of weeks. I have not received any g-mail from Ashlee yet......so you better tell me the news in the next email next week or I wont know! You know I hate surprises and cant wait for anything! Oh before I forget can you attach some talks with the email next week? The first one is Place no More for the Enemy of My Soul by Elder Holland and the other is The Way of the Master by President Monson. Thanks you're great! I cant believe how fast time is going! Next week I will complete 14 months in the mission and it seems like yesterday I just started. I am really enjoying the call to be district leader but it isn't easy! I have noticed that is has helped me to focus more on my area so I can be the example of the other missionaries. I know I shouldn't have to have an extra calling to motivate me to work but I am grateful for the blessing! I am glad to hear that you received my pictures and hopefully Ash got her birthday card on time also. I honestly don't know what else I can tell you this week. I am conducting my fourth district meeting tomorrow, after which we will be doing an intercambio! I hope that working with the other companionship of elders will help them. It sure has been hot here. It cooled down for a while and I thought that fall was coming and then the heat came right back. It sounds like you guys are also enjoying warmer weather! Hey we are only like 3 hours difference now cause Sunday we fell back and you sprang forward. Hopefully it works a little bit better for our Skype call on Mothers Day! Its not to far away! I love you all SO MUCH! I miss you but know that really its only a short time and it is worth every second! I love the mission, the changes I can see and experience, and the person it is making me! I know I will miss it when I get home. Hey our new mission president, do you know lots about him? Let me know if so....I know that he is from the states and he starts on July, but other then that nothing. I know that this church is true and it blesses my life DAILY! I know that the Savior lives and loves us. I know that through His atoning sacrifice we can be cleansed and purified if we repent. I have received many more blessings in my life as I strive to change the desires of my heart and repent on a daily basis. I know that one day we can become like our Father in Heaven. I know that we can live with Him and our families forever through covenants in the temple and being faithful to them. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ and for what others see as simply a book, I see as an instrument from God that has changed my life. I know that we are lead by a prophet today and it is highly important that we follow his council. I am super excited for General Conference again.....even though it seems like yesterday we had it. I know that as we apply these teachings and those from the scriptures in our lives, we will be lead back to our Father in Heaven prepared and worthy of His judgement and reward! I LOVE YOU ALL! Until next week!
Elder Bowden

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