I feel like I just barely emailed you guys yesterday, but the time has flown and I am here in the cyber again. This week was really good we had lots of good moments and received many tender mercies. Our two investigators came to church, with one other and many recent converts! It was definitely a really good day and I always feel so blessed to be able to partake of the sacrament. I sent a photo of them (Daniel y Shirley) after we had gone with them to the juzgado. They have officially received a date to be married (12 of Oct) and then they will be getting baptized on the 15th. I am super excited to help their family become eternal. Their son is already a member and he is the reason why they even listened to the missionaries and then they have a little girl who is only 7. I hope that they can continue to progress and make it to the temple! They are really excited and are anxiously waiting for the ´´best days of their lives.´´ I know that as I keep working hard and striving to follow Heavenly Father´s will my area, my comp, and I will be blessed. I know that we will be able to find and recognize the souls that He is preparing for us. I am so pumped for Conference! I can't possibly describe how EXCITED I am! I will miss spending the time with the fam and priesthood with dad and brothers but I am looking forward to receiving inspiration and being edified. Of course we still get to listen in english and it's super weird, but priesthood session is at 9 at night (one of the 3 days a year we get to be out of the house past 9:30). I have gone to Brazil quite a few times in the last two weeks, it's really cool and I love hearing and trying to learn Portuguese. I also sent a picture of the street that divides Guay and Brazil. I also went to a part of our area and saw the ocean again! It was really cool and for some reason had a statue of the virgin Mary...oh well! I love my area, my comp, and all of the great people who are here. As the days in my mission continue to increase, they just keep getting better and better. I love being here in the mission and I am growing so close to the Lord. I know that He is our Savior and older brother. I know that through his grace and mercy all demands of justice can be filled and that we can live with our Father in Heaven again. I am so grateful for Him and His willingness to be my mediator. I know that the only way to be happy is through His gospel and His church and have never felt His love and happiness more in my life than now. I know that families can be together forever and that our family relations we have here on earth are eternal. I know that God has called living prophets and apostles today, just as He did in ancient times. I know that He has restored His true church on the earth today because He loves us and wants us to follow His plan of happiness. I love you all so much and I am so grateful for ALL you do. I will forever be in debt to my family, earthly parents, and Heavenly Parents. LOVE YOU TONS! Until next week.
Elder Bowden
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