WOW! Another week bites the dust! I cant believe it...time ceases to amaze me! Well the most exciting news I have this week is that I am changing areas. To where? I am going to a place called Chuy in a department called Rocha. It is on the border of Brazil so I am pretty sure I am going to start learning some Portuguese. That's what they speak in Brazil and in my new area there is a street that divides Brazil and Urguay! I am super excited to learn so much more and continue to progress. My new comp is Elder Denny from Minnesota. He was in the CCM at the same time as me, but entered 6 weeks earlier. He has one more change in the mission than I do. Thanks for the pictures! It looks like everyone did well and had tons of fun! Good work on the first week back to school and I hope everyone is excited to keep learning! I am so grateful for the 2 hours I have everyday to study and learn, not things of the world but the scriptures and spiritual knowledge. I am really loving the mission and am amazed at everything I am learning and with greater understanding. I am so grateful that I have the wonderful opportunity to serve my Father in Heaven and Savior. Thanks for all the football updates, sounds like everyone is doing very well. I definitely miss it but I am willing to sacrifice it for two years of dedicated service to the Lord. I will be in my new area next week and will let you know how everything is. I am sending pics of my new comp but when we were in the CCM. Also of our P-Day activity last week! It was super fun, we played a game called paddle ball, which is a mix of tennis and racquetball. We played with the two returned missionaries in our ward. Matias who was in Pocatello and Carolina who was in Mendoza, Argentina but she knows lots of English. It was super fun and I had the opportunity to speak English and help my comp learn. I am kind of sad I wont be able to see some of our investigators get baptized but I know I will find more in my other area and the ones here will get baptized anyways. The most important thing is that they receive the proper ordinances to one day enter in the Kingdom of God. (John 3:5) I cant believe Aaron is coming home and even more that you guys bought a new suburban! You will have to send me pictures next week! I sent Shane a letter about 3 weeks ago and I hope he gets it, if you here from him tell him congrats and keep working hard. Tell Aaron he will have to remember his ´´vos´´ so that we can talk when I get back. I love you all and am super grateful for amazing parents and an amazing family! I had so much to tell you but don't have much more time so I will have to update you with the rest next week and if not them I´ll send a letter! I know that there is power in obedience. Obedience to the commandments and to all church standards. I know that we can be lead by our Father in Heaven through the Holy Ghost. I know that there is no greater privilege than to be worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. I know that we grow, learn, and are strengthened everyday. Whether it is by other people, personal experiences, or trials the Lord has many ways of teaching us and molding us to become what He wants us to become. I know that we can one day return to His presence to live with Him forever if we stay true to all the principles taught in His restored gospel. Love you all! Thanks so much for your love, support, stories, testimonies, and even photos!
Elder Bowden
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