Monday, December 31, 2012
Happy New Year!
Well.....this week went pretty good. We didnt end up having the baptism of Felipe but he is going to be baptized by his grandpa this Saturday! I guess it will be a very good B-Day present! He has progressed really well and knows almost everything. We can tell that he is very excited and has even said that someday he would like to serve a mission. We have also seen how the experience has helped his grandparents progress who are recent converts. We had a great week meditating about Christmas and the birth of the Savior. I am eternally grateful for Him and our Father in Heaven who was willing to send Him. On Christmas day we got together with the other elders and sang carols or chirstmas hymns. It was a productive use of our time and I hope that we will be able to return to some of the families. If not I feel like we shared tidings of great joy and reminded everyone about the true meaning of Christmas. We are having a difficult time finding new investigators and with the ones who do find helping them to progress, but we are setting goals and we are going to follow the spirit to know what they need. We also saw how the use of technology can help as we invited a young woman to check out the church website....she said she liked it! We are going to follow up on Tuesday. My comp and I are excited as the new year comes rolling in to make goals and reach our potential as servants of the Lord. We know that our goal of 4 baptisms in the month of January is very possible if we are commited and do all we can. The district is doing good. We are having a hard time getting people to come to church but no one is letting it discourage them. They told me that they are doing all they can and are going to patiently wait for the blessings to come. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to work with such great missionaries, starting with my comp and moving up to my leaders. They teach me so much that I feel as if they are the leaders. I am definetely very blessed. This week I will be having an intercambio with the elders in Centro and then we will have to have an interview with the zone leaders for the baptism. I havent recieved my packages yet but the zone leaders are going to Deo on Wednesday and I think that theyll pick them up then. Ill let you know! WOW! Youre all so lucky to have recieved snow! I guess Ill get my time but for now its heat(its good for the weight loss program)! I hope that everyone also has a good new year and that you yet those goals and resolutions to do better. I have very excited to make and reach my goals and to see myself and other progress. I hope youre not too trunky because it brings with it consequences. I am trying my best to help as many people as I can and to stay focused. My comp is a stud and helps me a ton. I also have my Heavenly Father who is always willing to help. I am definetely prepared to have the best month of my mission and I sure hope it slows down a little if not I wont be able to enjoy it! I love you all and miss you too. I hope that you are all spiritually preparing for my return as well as the return of some one much greater, the Savior. I know that He lives and loves us. I know that He died for us and His atoning sacrifice is the only way to be purified, prepared, and happy! I know that this is His chruch and that He leads us through a living prophet. I know that the Book of Mormon is true, it has changed my life and can change the life of anyone who has sincere desires to follow Christ, read, and apply it. Thanks for everything!
Elder Bowden
Thursday, December 27, 2012
2nd Christmas in Uruguay!
Well this week went pretty good. We did quite a few things and are excited for tomorrow and this following week!
I will let you know tomorrow for Skype! Love you all and thank you for everything!
Elder Bowden
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
It's Almost Here!!
This week went very well. We had a lot of things happen this week that helped me to realize I need to be more grateful and focus on what I can do to help others! On Monday we worked for only an hour and a half cause we had to go to Durazno to go to changes on Tues. We passed by a less active family and helped them with a small service before a rain storm hit. We also did a few contacts and then headed out. On Tues we did nothing in our area cause we weren't here. I said goodbye to Elder Hudson and Elder Denny who were in the CCM with me this week. It feels really wierd to see them leaving! We had a good leadership meeting and I learned how to be a better steward (stewardship) with my responsibility as a leader and missionary. Wednesday we had some pretty good charlas. We talked to one of our investigators (Daisy) who commited to being baptized after she gets married(we are working with the family as well but the baptism will be later). On Thursday we did our weekly planning that went well and we are excited to see what will happen next week. We also started a fast that day as a zone. The objective was to help us to find a family and prepare them and to help the ones we already had to commit to a date and progress to be baptized. I have to be honest....fasting as a missionary (walking a ton) in 85-90 degree weather wasnt something I was enjoying. I felt I lacked energy and a good attitiude. My comp helped me to realize I needer to do better and ask for additional strength. The rest of the day went well and on Friday we had zone meeting. It was really good...we talked about doing the work in the Lords way and not ours and how we needed to become more like Him. I felt lots of inspiration of what I can do better. We returned to our area and went to work and the miracles from our fast played out. We were able to place two baptismal dates and find two new invesitagators as well. It was a testimony to me of the power in fasting. So we finished the week yesterday with an alright Sunday...could have been better but it went well. Felipe came to church and will be getting baptized on the 29th of this month. He is very excited and played a big part with the primary this week as they put on their program. They talked about how they learn how to choose the right this year and sang quite a few songs. We also had a pretty windy day yesterday which brought rain today. Good thing its P-Day and we dont have to leave in the rain! Elder Chumpitaz said yesterday he laughed harder than he had in his whole mission so far(and I wasn't even trying to be fuuny!). As we were doing contacts and heading to a charla the wind picked up.....I raised my arms and began to sing ``I believe I can fly.`` Then a bunch of sand flew into my mouth! I turned around to spit it out and had my eyes closed at the same time(so the dust didnt get in my eyes). Supposedly a car drove by with an older couple and the lady had a facial expression that can't be described. I dont know cause I didn't see but he laughed for a good 10 mins straight. We talked to our dueños or home owners today and they said everything is ready for Skype! They are also preparing some yummy food and we have to take the drinks! It should be a good time to pass Christmas (I mean besides working to find all the people we can who want to come unto Christ). They have a daughter who lives in Ogden and they talk to her often. So thanks for the invitation and news letter from the ward...I'll have to look up the scriptures. We are going to do our best to focus on the real meaning of Christmas this week and share it with everyone. We might even be singing carols with the other elders as we go from door to door and hang out in the plaza(park). I know that Chirst lives and that He was sent to earth to die for us. He made possible the atonement and the opportunity to repent. I am eternally grateful for His sacrifice. I know that this is the true and restored gospel and our lives are extremely blessed as we abide by its precepts. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and testifies of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that families can be together forever(it was our Sunday school lesson yesterday). I know that in life we have struggles, trials, and temptations but we can overcome them with the help of our loving and ever-willing Heavenly Father. It comes through constant, fervent, and sincere prayer. I know He hears us and he answers our prayers. I hope that everyone continues to do well and will have Christ in the hearts and minds as you go about this week with the many things to do!
I love you all! Until next week!
Elder Bowden
Friday, December 14, 2012
He's Coming Home!
The time has come...Elder Matthew Braun Bowden is due to arrive home on January 25th at 2:05 pm to the Salt Lake City International Airport!
Last Changes! Only 6 more weeks! EEK!
Well....this week went pretty well. Yesterday we got the change calls.....are you all anxious? Are you currently on the edge of your seats to know what is going to happen? Do you want me to tell you? Okay....I am staying here! I will be finishing my mission here in Paso de los Toros and with my oro(Elder Chumpitaz). He is my first and last comp that I have been with for more than 3 months! I am still district leader so I'll be going to Deo on Tomorrow to have a small leadership meeting. Elder Bennett who was my zone leader and is from my origanal group that came to the mission is training his last change and he is in my district! The hermanas or sister missionaries are no longer here, so the district is all elders. It looks like all is well on the homefront. Everyone seems to have built a nice gingerbread house....I hope you made them earthquake proof cause the end of the world will be here soon and I dont know if they will survive the trembling!?! I have to tell Ash thanks for doing my job....I wasn't there to eat the frosting so I guess someone had to do it! This week we had our ward Christmas party or dinner (la cena). It was a really successful activity and lots of people showed up(less active and active members). The only bad thing is that they started it at 9:00pm so we were only there for enough time to grab some food, say hi, and then bounce! But we did have 7 people come that aren't members. We hope that we will be able to make contact with all of them this week and make them new investigators. On the flipside...we only had one investigastor come to church on Sunday. His name is Felipe and his is the grandson of two recent converts. He is really excited and is loving the church. We are planning on inviting him to be baptized for the 29th of december even though he has already come to church twice cause we´ll need to time to teach him everything. Our other investiagtors are doing well....reading and praying...for some reason they just couldnt make it to church on Sunday. My comp and I are very excited to continue working together here in Charrua. I honestly feel as if we are doing many great things and we have seen many miracles. We have not found a family to invite and be baptized yet but we are constantly looking and asking as we contact and ask for references. I know that as we repent and strive to do better, and do all that we can the Lord will guide us to the people that are prepared. I am going to all that I can to be the most powerful teacher I have been in my entire mission. We have set many goals and are working to have the spirit with us at all times to testifiy to the people of the truthfulness of our message and the restored gospel. I think it will be good to have elders here in Paso with us and it should have a large impact on the other ward. The elders in Centro also seem to be excited to continue working with the investigators they have found and Elder Phillips will work very well with Elder Chavez. Elder Walker who was here before is going to Toledo...the area where I started my mission! So I told him he has to say hello to all who are there. are going to temple square on the 21st? Are you sure that the world is going to end? haha I am not for sure what will happen but it think things will be a little crazy. At least I think so...there won't be any problems here cause we will all be at our mission Christmas conference! Oh speaking of Christmas.....I will be calling on Tuesday the 25th from our neighbors house. I am pretty sure I'll be calling at 8:00pm here which means it will be 3:00pm there! It will be by Skype again so if there are any problems let me know. Thanks for the packages.....even though I said not to send them! I'll will be waiting to see if they arrive on time! I am ready to give it all I have and leave it all on the field! I have set a lot of goals and Im going to do the very best I can to do all that our Heavenly Father wants me to do and become. This is going to be the best six weeks of my mission! I am not excited to leave Guay....a large portion of my heart belongs to this country and the people here. I am sure going home will feel similar to when I left. Have you heard anything about my flight? I mean you should know by now...I am have one more fast Sunday left in the field! Anyways....I love you all and I am very grateful for you love and support. I have learned so much from everyone of you and you are all example in one way or another. I couldn't ask for better parents who have taught me the gospel and helped me to obtain a testimony and become truely converted. I know that the gospel is the only thing that will bring us true happiness and in the end its all the really matters. Often times I believe what Pres Uchtdorf says...we waste our time and talents in things that don't even have significane in the eternal perspective. I have seen this on my mission as I have strived to do good continually and work in the most efficant way to help others come unto Chirst. I know that He lives and I love Him! I have no greater hero or idle than Jesus Christ himself. I want to be exactly like Him. I know that it isnt easy and that it will probably take me a very long time but it is done, day by day, and decision by decision. I know that it is only by His infinite, eternal, and atoning sacrifice that is is possible. I have grown so close to my Savior in these two years and I know that I will continue to grow closer after as long as I am obedient and diligent. I know that anyone who desires to improve their relationship with the Savior can also do it and it starts with a simple desire and prayer. I love the mission and being involved in the service of God. I am going to serve Him for my entire life cause thats what makes me happy and I know thats what really matters. My mission is the greatest blessing that I have been given next to the atonement itself. I am grateful for this time of season to meditate a little more on the Savior and what He has done for me. I know that we should remember Him always but I feel that many at this time of the year need to know even more that Christ was born, came to the earth, died for us, resurected, and that He lives today. I love you all, miss you too, but its all worth it!
Elder Bowden
Monday, December 3, 2012
More Miracles and Baptisms!
Well....this week went great! We had an amazing week filled with lots to do and many miracles! We had our last district meeting of the change on Tuesday and it went well. We read Mormon chp 9 and how we need to have faith, work our hardest, and be worthy to recieve miracles. We also talked about how to improve our verifications every day and to tell the Lord in our prayers how our day went. On Wednesday we went to a small town (really small like 50 people small) called Chamberlain. There we visited a family that has come to church the last two Sundays in a row. The mom and kids our coming, none of the kids are at the age of baptism yet but it will be great to be baptized when they turn eight. The father still hasnt come but when we talked to them he listened and seems very reciptive. It is a young family they are only 23 and 22 years old but we are already seeing how the gospel is helping them. The other days were also filled with lots of charlas and success. On Sunday we had the confirmation of Camila! She seemed to be really happy and is excited to continue in the gospel. We also have five investigators come to church for which we will invite to be baptized this week and prepare them for the month of December. We are doing great and giving it all that we have. I can't believe that this is our last week before changes, on Sunday we will have the calls. I have already been with Elder Chumpitaz for three months. We have learned many things, have seen many miracles as well as trials, but more than anything have worked to help all the people we can. We hope that many more people will make the choice to follow the Savior and be baptized and we continue to pray for the revelation necessary for their progress. We are working to find a family that can be baptized in the month of December and have a few possibilities. The district is doing well. I am glad that you had fun making gingerbread houses and I'll have to see how you did next week. The ward Christmas party also sounds like it was a success. We are also having our ward Christmas party this Friday. We will be eating lots and I think there will be some sort of a program but I'll let you know next week how it goes. We are excited to celebrate the birth of the Savior as well and I can't wait until Christmas arrives. Today we are going to put up the tree and the other decorations. It should be very excited and we hope that as we work on focusing more on the reason for the season that the people we teach will also feel it. I am eternally grateful for the Savior in my life. That our Heavenly Father loved us so much that He sent His only Begotten Son to suffer and die for us. I know without a doubt that this was an act of eternal love and that is was and is necessary to return to Gods presence worthily. I know that as we repent and strive to change our lives, to do good works continually, that they power of the atonement changes us. We can forget the past and move on to the future. I know that as we pass through trials and tests that the Savior will comfort, guide, and give us the strength we need. We will always be able to move forward with faith and be obedient to the commandments. I know that we are blessed as we strive we all our heart, might, mind, and strength to serve God and to love Him enough to be completely obedient. I know that God leads us in our lives. I know that if we are humble and follow the promptings of His Holy Spirit that we will recieve even more revelation and be even happier. I know that the church and restored gospel of Jesus Christ are true. I know that as we follow these principle through out OUR ENTIRE LIFE we are blessed. I know that we are all children of God and He loves us and desires that endure to the end. I know that families can be forever and I love my family. Thanks for all you do and love you, miss you, and will talk to you soon. Tell Chris and Zach congrats and I will have to write them. Hey my comp already has a Book of Mormon in english I just thought it would be cool to get him the small one the pocket size but what ever you can do is fine. I said only ONE package but I guess you guys are never obedient so I hope you dont lose out on blessings. Have a great week and I will anxiously wait to hear from you next week.
Elder Bowden
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Many Miracles!
Well...this week went really good! Faster than normal because of every thing we had to do! We had a pretty good P-Day last Monday....we took it easy and cleaned the house. This week we are in Durazno for a zone activity! We are going to cook some food and then we are going to play soccer...but I brought my basketball so we´ll see! We had district meeting on Tuesday which went well. Last week the district had two baptisms and this week we had one! We had a good thanksgiving as well. About a week ago I started writing down a list of all my blessings. We had lunch planned on Thursday but the hermana (sister) forgot. So we went out to buy a few things and we made Thanksgiving dinner! It wasnt exactly the same but pretty close and turned out being tasty! Yesterday we had the baptism and it went great! We had lots of members show up and had lots of support from the primary! Camila was very happy and was glad to finally be baptized. We had her mom and her dad come (neither of them are members but very supportive). She has lots of other support from her grandma, aunt, and cousins and I dont doubt that she will contine to be strong in the church. We have many future possible baptisms and we are going to do all that we can to help them progress. We had a great day at church! A day filled with miracles! We had four people show up that we werent even planning on coming. 0ne is an young mother who lives in a really small town out in the middle of no where! Her neighbor who is a member has been teaching her a few things and she wants us to teach her more! The only thing is we dont know if we can travel there or not cause we would have to take a bus and then walk two kilometers! But hey they are souls and its worth it! Her daughter also came with a cousin and a husband of another less active member came! We are going to try to place many fechas this week and invite as many people as we can to follow the Savior and be baptized. I hope that I can continue to do all that my Heavenly Father requires of me to help as many as I can and be worthy of His many blessings! My comp (Elder Chumpitaz) is progressing very well and already knows every thing that he needs to know. He continues to teach me lots of stuff and what I can do to improve. We are working well do together and we dont know what will happen with changes in two weeks! I am willing to do what the Lord wants and go where ever He needs me but I think that I could finish with Elder Chumpitaz here in Paso de los Toros. I am definetely loving the mission and have grown to love the people here as well as all my other areas! Yes you are right when you say that December has arrived quickly! I cant believe that we are almost there but it should be a great time to celebrate the birth of the Savior and find lots of people who need the restored gospel. No I dont feel bad that you only write emails and not letters. At least I get to hear from you! But yes I do feel bad when I dont hear from anyone else (all of those who dont write)! If any one decides that they want to write tell them to do it fast cause in about a month it wont be worth it cause there will be no time! I dont know what you could send me for Christmas? I was thinking that you could send me a pocket size Book of Mormon and a small Hymn book in english cause Elder Chumpitaz is learnig the language and I wanted to give him those! You could also send me the Ensign (conference addition) and whatever else you feel would be helpful. Please dont send more than one package (one is enough, it costs lots, and I dont have much time left). I still have all my stuff from last year so we will be putting up the tree and decorated in the near future! Think of some yummy treats that you could send but be careful with the chocolate cause it will melt! Pop Tarts! Whatever mom thinks of.....I am your son and you should know me well enough! I hope that dad is doing least walking and that everyone else is behaving themselves! I love you all and miss you lots! I hope you can all embrace the gospel in the same way I have cause it has changed my life forever and has made me extremely happy! I know that this church is true and that there is no other on the face of the planet! I know that Christ lives and that He was foreordained to give His life so that we could repent, be forgiven, and return with our families to the presence of God. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and it is another testament of Jesus Christ. That at this time of year when we meditate more the birth of Him it will up us feel His love and draw closer to Him by reading it! I know that we are lead by a living prophet. I know that God knows and loves us. I know that we are required to be obedient to the commendments in order to recieve the promised blessings. I know that we are free and happy as we make correct decisions and live the gospel. I know that miracle happen today and the more diligent we work to serve those around us that more we will she Gods hand in our lives. I know that when we are worthy we are lead by the Holy Ghost to know what to do, where to go, and how to help. I love you all.....Until next week!
Elder Bowden

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